Wednesday, March 11, 2015

New Faces on the Twenty Dollar Bill?

Some people from the Feminist Group have started  to erase Andrew Jackson's face from the $20 bill and decided to draw in faces of women who have made a significant impact in American History. 
This non-profit organization's "Women on 20's" movement was started to recognize the 100 years anniversary of inequality that will take place in 2020. The declared that now is the perfect opportunity to include a women's image on the American Dollar. Civil rights activist Rosa parks and Previous First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt are a few examples of women considered for this new change. This just shows that many people believe these women have influenced the American History for the better, and deserve the recognition more than Andrew Jackson. 
Last month, "Women On 20's" announced 15 women candidates that will take place of Andrew Jackson; and in conjunction with women's day on March 1st, opened  the voting process to the public.  Once they reach 1 million votes, the organization is planning to send the proposal to the white house.
If you would like to vote, or just find out more about this, check the link below

I can't help but feel bad for Jackson, who is being singled out for this change.…汗 デコメ絵文字 I personally think South Africa avoided this issue gracefully with this currency and other regions should follow suite 

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