Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Cup of Coffee

Photo credit: you can get this 3D coffee art at love to go [[ love to go ]]
Coffee. Right now, it's my best friend in the morning. I might not always have time to sit down and take a sip out of this cute cup before work, but I will have it one way or another. We might be mildly addicted, but its OK, coffee has its benefits as well. (Just remember to take it easy on the sugar and milk) 

Coffee has lots of antioxidants and is the primary way of consumption for Americans. These antioxidants  also relieve stress and make you happy. It's not all in the our mind. study done by the National Institute of Health found that those who drink four or more cups of coffee were about 10 percent less likely to be depressed than those who had never touched the java. Woohoo. Let the drinking commence. 

It also contains that good ol' trusty caffeine to keep us alert and pumped for the day. Its actually good to drink it before your workout. A simple coffee can give you the boost that you need to run that extra mile. 

It keeps me focused, healthy, and it looks cute? Seems like a good deal to me! 

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